ECNU Undergraduate Students of Win First Prize in 11th China Undergraduate Physics Tournament
Time:2020-10-28   Views:25

From October 16 to 18, the 11th China Undergraduate Physics Tournament (CUPT) (online) hosted by the Organizing Committee of China Undergraduate Physics Tournament and undertaken by the Department of Physics of Zhejiang University was in progress . After 48 hours of fierce competition, the ECNU delegation, which consisted of six undergraduates from the School of Physics and Electronic Science  stood out among the 63 teams from 62 universities, ranking ninth and winning the first prize in the tournament for the first time.

Members of the ECNU delegation.

Students are practicing their presentations for the competition.

The delegation finishes their competitions online.

Members of the CUPT training team of ECNU.

In the first half of this year, members of the CUPT training team of ECNU, overcoming the impacts brought about by the pandemic, conducted research at home with online guidance on a regular basis. During the summer vacation, under the special arrangements of the university, the academy and the faculty, the team members returned to campus and  concentrated on their research wholeheartedly. Finally, they won the special prize in CUPT East China Regional Trial in August this year.

To help students improve their ability to compete, the School of Physics and Electronic Science established an instructor team well-versed in both theory and practice. They  held regular seminars, guided students to explore and solve problems independently, and helped form a research model with students in the center and teachers’ assistance as a complement. The School of Physics and Electronic Science, the Office of Academic Affairs, and the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship jointly promoted the reform of experimental practice and teaching, and set up two professional electives named “Physics Modeling” and “Independent Innovation in Physics Experiment” respectively  to help students with theory and experiments.

CUPT is a national-level competition  in China modelling on the International Young Physicists’ Tournament (IYPT). As a comprehensive scientific research training and practice platform for undergraduates, it includes experimental design, equipment construction, experimental operation, theoretical analysis, result discussion, and report presentation, defense and commentary. The entire research and presentation processes are carried out in teams, which play a significant role in cultivating and improving the participants’ abilities for teamwork, organization, coordination, communication and expression.

Source: School of Physics and Electronic Science

Copyeditor: Philip Nash

Editor: Zhang Linlan