​ 3月20日 宋一桥:Recent Development of Magnetic Resonance: Instrumentation, Physics and Applications
发布时间:2015-03-18   浏览次数:226

讲座题目:Recent Development of Magnetic Resonance: Instrumentation, Physics and Applications

主讲人: 宋一桥

开始时间: 2015-3-20 13:00

讲座地址: 理科大楼A228会议室


  宋一桥,哈佛医学院和麻省总医院生物医学影像Martions研究中心助理神经科学家,斯坦福大学地球物理顾问教授,斯伦贝谢道尔研究中心流体分析 及核磁共振项目经理。中国石油大学地球物理与信息工程学院客座教授,华东师范大学“紫江”讲座教授。《Journal of Magnetic  Resonance》编委,《New Journal of  Physics》特邀编辑。海外华人磁共振协会主席,美国物理学会会员、美国化学学会会员,担任ENC、ICMRM、MRPM诸多国际会议的执行委员。


In recent years, NMR/MRI has become an import technique for  characterization of a variety of porous media including inorganic  materials and biological tissues. In particular, NMR/MRI measurement of  relaxation and diffusion properties has found applications in petroleum  exploration, material sciences, medical imaging, and other fields. This  talk will outline the physics of the relaxation and diffusion processes  in porous media and the recent MR development including multi-echo  techniques, compressed sensing, 2D methods for diffusion and relaxation,  in particular to study complex diffusion dynamics in porous media. I  will also discuss several applications of these techniques in the study  of polymer degradation, molecular composition, porosity in sedimentary  rocks, food productions and biological tissues. New ideas of NMR  instrument will be presented to include miniaturization of NMR  electronics into a silicon chip, and a fully broadband front-end  electronics without using the conventional resonant circuit.