02 月20日 Prof. A.Watts:Realizing bio-imaging potential: Enhancing bacteriorhodopsin mediated molecular scale, wavelength-selective photoswitching
发布时间:2014-02-20   浏览次数:166
讲座题目:Realizing bio-imaging potential: Enhancing  bacteriorhodopsin mediated molecular scale, wavelength-selective  photoswitching(膜蛋白结构生物学研究报告)

主讲人:Prof. A.Watts

主持人:赵欣 教授

开始时间:2014-02-20 14:00


主办单位:物理系 科技处



PUBLICATIONS:264 peer‐reviewed publications, comprising of 216 papers  and 48 reviews, and 4 books edited, all in the general area of membrane  related research, over 60% of which are in high impact factorjournals  (Nature, Nature Str. Biol., PNAS, JACS, Science, etc). Total citations  >6,500; h‐tapered index 74; hindex 45. Invited talks (averaging 15  per year since 1995; 10 plenary lectures 2007/8) have been presented at  most of the relevant major international meetings, including IUB, IUPAB,  FASEB, NATO, ESF, NY Academy of Science, ISMAR, FEBS, ICMRBS, PAABS,  IMSTEC, CSIRO, Royal Soc. (Edinburgh), American Biophysical Society,  etc. and in excess of 286 Meeting Abstracts and posters have been  presented.
 EDITORIAL WORK: Managing Editor: European Biophysics Journal (from  October 2000 on); Principal Editor:Biophysical Chemistry (Jan. 1994 ‐  December 1999); Associate Editor: Biophysical Journal (from July  2002on); Editorial Board: BBA Biomembrane Reviews, Biochemical Journal,  Molecular Membrane Biology,Journal of Magnetic Resonance.