邓友金: Finite-size Scaling of Critical N-vector Models in High Dimensions
发布时间:2020-10-21   浏览次数:707

报告题目:Finite-size Scaling of Critical N-vector Models in High Dimensions

报告人:邓友金 教授

主持人:刘宗华 教授






  Finite-size scaling is a fundamental physical theory in the field of critical phenomena. In spite of decades of studies, the theory of FSS in dimensions at and above the upper critical dimensionality turns out to be surprisingly subtle, and remains the subject of ongoing debate. We establish an explicit scaling form for the free energy density, which simultaneously consists of scaling behaviors corresponding to the Gaussian-fixed point and the complete-graph asymptotic. Our conjectures are strongly supported by large-scale Monte Carlo simulations and analytical calculations for some simplified model. Our work sheds further light on the theory of critical phenomena and has practical applications in experimental systems.